Negotiation is a skill that can benefit you in many aspects of life, such as career, education, relationships, and personal growth. Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement with another party through dialogue and compromise. Whether you are negotiating a salary, a contract, a project, or a personal issue, you need to have some essential skills to achieve a satisfactory outcome. In this article, I will share 10 negotiating skills that every young person should acquire and how to improve them.

1. Communication

Communication is the foundation of any negotiation. You need to be able to express your needs, interests, and goals clearly and effectively. You also need to be able to listen to the other party and understand their perspective. Communication skills include verbal and nonverbal cues, such as tone, body language, and eye contact. To improve your communication skills, you can practice speaking confidently, using positive and respectful language, and asking open-ended questions.

2. Active Listening

Active listening is a type of communication that involves paying attention, showing interest, and providing feedback to the speaker. Active listening can help you build rapport, avoid misunderstandings, and identify the underlying issues and emotions in a negotiation. Active listening skills include paraphrasing, summarizing, reflecting, and clarifying. To improve your active listening skills, you can practice giving your full attention, nodding, and using phrases like “I hear you”, “What I understand is”, and “Can you tell me more?”

3. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own and others’ emotions. Emotions can influence your behavior, decisions, and outcomes in a negotiation. Emotional intelligence can help you stay calm, focused, and respectful, as well as empathize with the other party and find common ground. Emotional intelligence skills include self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management. To improve your emotional intelligence skills, you can practice identifying your emotions, expressing them appropriately, and responding to others’ emotions constructively.

4. Persuasion

Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view or accept your proposal. Persuasion can help you achieve your desired outcome, create value, and build trust in a negotiation. Persuasion skills include logic, evidence, storytelling, and framing. To improve your persuasion skills, you can practice presenting your arguments clearly, using facts and data, sharing relevant examples and stories, and highlighting the benefits and solutions for the other party.

5. Preparation

Preparation is the process of gathering information, setting goals, and planning strategies before a negotiation. Preparation can help you gain confidence, knowledge, and leverage in a negotiation. Preparation skills include research, analysis, and scenario planning. To improve your preparation skills, you can practice collecting relevant information about the other party, the situation, and the market, defining your best alternative, target, and reservation point, and anticipating possible challenges and responses.

6. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is the ability to find creative and mutually beneficial solutions to a conflict or a challenge. Problem-solving can help you overcome impasses, create value, and achieve a win-win outcome in a negotiation. Problem-solving skills include brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing. To improve your problem-solving skills, you can practice generating multiple options, weighing the pros and cons, and testing and refining the solutions.

7. Collaboration

Collaboration is the act of working together with another party to achieve a common goal. Collaboration can help you build trust, rapport, and cooperation in a negotiation. Collaboration skills include teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect. To improve your collaboration skills, you can practice sharing information, seeking input, and acknowledging contributions.

8. Adaptability

Adaptability is the ability to adjust your behavior, strategy, and expectations according to the changing circumstances and dynamics in a negotiation. Adaptability can help you cope with uncertainty, complexity, and diversity in a negotiation. Adaptability skills include flexibility, openness, and resilience. To improve your adaptability skills, you can practice being open-minded, curious, and willing to learn, as well as embracing feedback, challenges, and opportunities.

9. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is the ability to express your opinions, needs, and rights in a confident and respectful manner. Assertiveness can help you stand up for yourself, protect your interests, and achieve a fair outcome in a negotiation. Assertiveness skills include confidence, clarity, and respect. To improve your assertiveness skills, you can practice using “I” statements, saying “no” when necessary, and asking for what you want.

10. Ethics

Ethics is the set of moral principles and values that guide your behavior and decisions in a negotiation. Ethics can help you maintain your integrity, reputation, and credibility in a negotiation. Ethics skills include honesty, fairness, and responsibility. To improve your ethics skills, you can practice being truthful, transparent, and consistent, as well as following the rules and honoring your commitments.


Negotiation is a skill that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals, as well as improve your relationships and well-being. By acquiring and improving the 10 negotiation skills in this article, you can become a more effective and successful negotiator. I hope this article has inspired you to pursue your negotiation skills and make the most of every opportunity.

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