Generational wealth is the financial legacy that you leave behind for your children and grandchildren. It can provide them with financial stability, education, opportunities, and a better quality of life. But how can you build generational wealth from scratch? One of the best ways is to start a business that can generate passive income, appreciate in value, and be passed down to the next generation. Here are three examples of such businesses:

1. Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing is one of the most popular and proven ways to build wealth over time. You can buy, sell, rent, or flip properties and earn income from appreciation, cash flow, tax benefits, and leverage. Real estate is also a tangible asset that can be inherited by your heirs, who can continue to benefit from its income and growth potential. According to a recent survey, 90% of millionaires have some form of real estate investment in their portfolio.

2. Online Business

Online business is another lucrative and scalable way to create generational wealth. You can start an online business with minimal capital and overhead costs, and reach a global market of customers. You can sell products, services, information, or entertainment online, and automate or outsource most of the operations. Online business can also be easily transferred to your children, who can inherit your website, domain name, email list, social media accounts, and online reputation.

3. Family Business

Family business is a traditional and timeless way to create generational wealth. You can start a business that reflects your passion, skills, values, and vision, and involve your family members in its management and operation. Family business can foster a sense of pride, loyalty, and legacy among your relatives, and create a strong bond and culture that can last for generations. Some examples of successful family businesses include Walmart, Chick-Fil-A, and Ford².


Creating generational wealth is not only about accumulating money, but also about passing down your values, knowledge, and opportunities to your descendants. By starting a business that can generate passive income, appreciate in value, and be passed down to the next generation, you can create a lasting financial legacy that can benefit your family for years to come. Which of these businesses would you like to start? Let us know in the comments below.

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