8 Ways To Create Effective Video Content to Stay Relevant

Ways to create effective videos can give you all the visibility and relevance you need in your industry with your social media platforms.

Staring at a blank page before you write is intimidating. The same goes for staring at a blank phone screen before you hit record. You can’t know what topics, video formats and content works until you start experimenting.

The video has emerged as a popular content format in recent years. You can rely on videos to market your products virtually, educate your audience, increase brand engagement, and keep your social media updated. Video Content is no longer an option anymore. It is the key to every successful digital publishing strategy.

Typically, our sense of sight is the first thing that’s engaged when experiencing a post on social media. And with so much content out there, brands need to stand out visually.

Today, social media videos continue to push boundaries, with 86% of online advertisers using these in their marketing efforts. On one hand, these trends help consumers gain an understanding of the brand’s products and services. It also enhances businesses to increase traffic on their social media accounts, grow their following, and upsurge their sales videos also improves social engagement as they create trust and connections between brands and customers, develop brand loyalty, improves lead generation, and stimulate relevant conversations. To help you create amazing social media videos that are worth watching and sharing.

Keep reading to find out how to create a smart visual content strategy for social media.

Untold Secrets About Creating Interesting Social Media Videos.

Have A Detailed Strategy:

Before you start creating any content, first have a plan on how you’ll go about your social media videos. Every brand should know how to make short videos to post online. This involves audience research, competitor check, ideation, content scheduling, budget allocation, task delegation, and the like. These put together will allow you to develop effective videos that will make your campaign a lot more successful.

Are you aiming for new sign-ups, spark conversations about an upcoming launch, increased brand awareness, or attract new followers? More website visits? Whatever the reason you have to be specific about the objectives of your videos. Most importantly, it should align with your overall business goals.

Make Your Videos Short And Sweet:

It has been observed that very few people will watch videos that are more than 15-20 minutes on social media. It’s important to keep the videos bite-sized and easy to consume while still providing value. This entails removing all the excess parts and keeping only the most relevant and engaging wants.

Videos should capture attention, share a message, and get viewers to act in a short time. If your topic is complex and needs a lot of explanations, you break it down into smaller pieces and consider making a series that talks about the different aspects rather than putting all information in one long video.

Ensure The First Few Seconds Sincerely Stands Out:

The first few seconds are crucial because that’s when they’ll decide whether to continue watching the video or scroll down to other content. Oftentimes, people lose their concentration after about 8 seconds, that’s why you need to captivate them right off the bat.

Kick off with thought-provoking questions, inspiring quotes, powerful visuals, or appealing music. Try to include your logo, brand name, tagline, or the product/services you intend to highlight so people will recognize you immediately and get a hint of what you’re trying to convey. Your introduction should leave people curious about what will happen next and make them desire to know more. 

Include Subtitles:

There’s a chance that people who don’t fluently speak and understand your language will come across your videos. Adding subtitles will help non-native speakers and hearing-challenged users easily consume your content.

Aim For Natural Lightning.

Lightning will make or break your videos. And using natural light will help you make it.

When you’re indoors, be sure to shoot videos near a window or door where there’s sufficient light, you can also opt to take things outdoors.

Consider Using An External Microphone.

Just like lightning, audio is also important in social media videos. If you’re filming using your phone, the built-in mic might not be good enough.  So, it is necessary to invest in good equipment, including microphones ensure that you get to create high-quality sounds.

Focus On The Story.

Attracting the audience’s attention is crucial, but keeping them glued is even more necessary. And to do so, you must craft high-quality contents that will make them want to stick around. Your video must not only look, sound, and feel great but it should also share a compelling story that has wit, relevance, and value.

End With A Call To Action.

When people reach the end of your video, they will want to know where to go or what to do next. And this is your chance to give them the answer. Leave the viewers with a purpose and encourage them to act on what you want them to do.

Remember that your CTA shouldn’t be too sales-focused as that’s when people get turned off. It must, however, circle back to the campaign goals and business objectives you’ve set during the planning stage.

Using social media videos truly has got potential in driving business results and developing audience engagement. And with the above essentials, you’re well on your way to taking your campaigns to the next level and maximizing your brand’s presence and relevance in a highly crowded digital space.


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