Apple new iPhone 15 ultra is speculated to come with USB-C charging port.

Many users in the EU have demanded this and Apple company may consider this request to set things right.

Here’s why USB-C is better than Lightning:⁣


USB-C is a universal standard, which means it is used by various devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other peripherals. This makes it more convenient for users, as they can use the same cable for multiple devices.⁣

Faster Data Transfer

USB-C comes packed with USB4 support, making it the clear winner here as it supports data transfer speeds up to 40 Gbps (gigabits per second), while the Lightning connection only supports up to 480 Mbps (megabits per second) with USB 2.0. That’s roughly an 80x faster rate with the USB-C connection. Even the very first generation of USB-C cables introduced in 2014 supported speeds of 5 Gbps; light-years faster than the Lightning cable.⁣

Higher Power Delivery

USB-C can deliver up to 100 watts of power, which is significantly higher than the 12 watts provided by Lightning. This allows USB-C to charge devices faster and even power larger devices like laptops.⁣

Reversible Connector

USB-C features a symmetrical, reversible design, making it easier to plug in without worrying about the orientation. Lightning also has a reversible design, but USB-C’s universality gives it an edge in this regard.⁣

Video and Audio Support

USB-C can transmit video and audio signals, allowing it to support various display and audio standards like HDMI, DisplayPort, and VGA with the use of adapters. Lightning can also transmit video and audio, but it requires proprietary adapters.


As USB-C is becoming the standard for most devices, it is more future-proof than Lightning. It is expected that more and more devices will adopt USB-C, making it a more sustainable choice in the long run.⁣

Do you prefer Lightning or USB-C on the iPhone?

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