I cry because of all the pain we’ve had to endure in this rollercoaster journey called LIFE. I cry because this hollowness is skin-deep. The battles are unending and we have to smile through it all.

I cry for all the things that could have been; all the beautiful memories in our subconscious mind that never did happen. I cry because this wicked old world has poured out its vexation upon us. I cry because the bad outlives the good. We behold beautiful and warm smiles on the streets but alas! Most are facades with no inkling of the pain in convoy.

I cry because life is fickle. The hearts of men are desperately wicked, seeking to inflict greater pain on the already-existing flame. I cry because of all the beautiful angels that touched our lives and made us smile but yet, we couldn’t keep. All those beautiful treasures that were taken from our grasp.

I cry because of all those battles that each of us has fought, unknown to most. I cry because of the unpredictability of life. I cry because the shoes of pain that some people have endured over the years overwhelm me and for some people, it might be easy to preach because the shoes aren’t theirs. I try to imagine it as mine. It’s easy until it’s yours and the pain is shaking the very core of your belief.

I will continue to plead for mercy, grace, and the right amount of oil – for me, for you and you – so that even if we have to crawl to that beautiful gate, it will be counted that we got there. đź™Ź

©️ Godson-Ahuaza Chika Victory

•Christian •Biochemist •Microbiologist •Author •Editor •Proofreader •Ghostwriter •Stellar Poet •Writers’ Coach •Capacity Leader •Reading Advocate •Orator and Anchor •Certified Teens’ Coach •Proprietor, Ivory Kittings • Milliner •Fashion Model •Fashion Designer •Clarinetist •Violinist •Singer •Composer •Advocate of impact •Lifestyle influencer •Avid Volunteer

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