WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users and 100 billion messages sent every day. It is also a powerful marketing channel for businesses of all sizes, as it allows them to communicate with their customers in a fast, convenient, and personal way.

But how can you use WhatsApp effectively for your marketing campaigns? How can you automate your conversations and message flows to save time and resources, while still providing a great customer experience? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and show you how to start up WhatsApp marketing automation for your business.

What is WhatsApp marketing automation?

WhatsApp marketing automation is the use of the WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp Business API to automate conversations with customers. WhatsApp automated messages are pre-set replies to messages received from new or existing customers on WhatsApp. The replies are sent out automatically without needing any human intervention.

WhatsApp marketing automation can help you:

  • Increase customer engagement and loyalty by sending personalized and timely messages
  • Boost conversions and sales by sending product recommendations, offers, and discounts
  • Reduce customer service costs and response time by answering FAQs and resolving issues
  • Collect feedback and reviews from customers to improve your products and services
  • Build your brand awareness and reputation by sharing valuable content and stories

How to use WhatsApp marketing automation for your business?

To use WhatsApp marketing automation for your business, you need to have a WhatsApp Business account and a WhatsApp Business number. You can either use the WhatsApp Business App, which is a free app for small businesses, or the WhatsApp Business API, which is a paid service for medium and large businesses.

The WhatsApp Business App allows you to create a business profile, set up automated greetings and away messages, label and organize your chats, and send quick replies. However, it has some limitations, such as:

  • You can only use one phone number and one device per account
  • You can only send messages to customers who have contacted you first or have opted in to receive messages from you
  • You can only send text, images, videos, documents,

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