Japa is a slang term for leaving Nigeria and moving to another country, usually for better opportunities and quality of life. Many Nigerians dream of japaing, especially in the face of economic and social challenges. But before you pack your bags and book your flight, there are some questions you should ask yourself to make sure you are ready for the big move.

1. Why do you want to japa?

The first question to ask yourself is why you want to japa in the first place. What are your goals and expectations for living abroad? What are you hoping to achieve or experience in your new country? Are you japaing for education, work, family, or adventure? Be honest with yourself and evaluate your motivations and aspirations.

2. Where do you want to japa to?

The next question to ask yourself is where you want to japa to. There are many countries in the world, each with its own culture, language, climate, laws, and opportunities. Do some research and find out which country suits your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as visa requirements, cost of living, safety, healthcare, education, and job prospects. You can also talk to people who have japaed to the country you are interested in and learn from their experiences.

3. How will you japa?

The third question to ask yourself is how you will japa. Japaing is not as easy as buying a ticket and hopping on a plane. You need to plan and prepare for your journey, both financially and emotionally. You need to save enough money for your travel expenses, accommodation, food, and other necessities. You also need to secure a valid visa, passport, and other documents. You need to pack your belongings, sell or store the ones you can’t take, and say goodbye to your friends and family. You need to mentally and emotionally brace yourself for the challenges and changes that await you.

4. What will you do after you japa?

The fourth question to ask yourself is what you will do after you japa. Japaing is not the end of the story, but the beginning of a new chapter. You need to have a plan and a purpose for your life in your new country. You need to find a place to live, a job or a school, a community, and a way to integrate into the society. You need to learn the language, the culture, the norms, and the rules. You need to cope with the culture shock, the homesickness, the loneliness, and the stress. You need to make the most of your opportunities and enjoy your new adventure.


Japaing is a big decision that requires careful thought and preparation. Before you japa, ask yourself these four questions and make sure you are ready for the journey. Japaing can be a rewarding and life-changing experience, but it can also be a challenging and difficult one. Be realistic, be optimistic, and be prepared. Good luck and happy japaing!

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