Many individuals have a trace of gerascophobia but that’s one thing life holds on us.

There are measures to enjoy and celebrate your aging 

Here are some of the things  you can do to make aging well a reality:

• Exercise. 

 Even a moderate amount each day can help one stay active, independent and maintain a positive mood. It can make even the frailest older person stronger and more fit.

• Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make adjustments for any changes in your body function (e.g., hearing, vision, flexibility, or strength).

• Continue to engage in routine preventive health behaviors (e.g., going for medical and dental checkups, cancer screening, vaccinations, etc).

• If you feel anxious, or depressed, or are using alcohol or drugs to manage your mood, seek assistance. Untreated mental health problems are associated with poor physical health outcomes, including increased disability and illness as well as decreased quality of life.

• Be an interested person. Remain aware of new developments in the arts, sciences, politics, and other areas of cultural and social interest.

• Engage in something that matters to you and that you care passionately about. Be an interesting person.

Lastly, good nutrition is key, eat good food for maintenance.

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