SASSA is a government agency that administers and distributes social grants to millions of South Africans who require financial assistance. Social grants are monthly payments that aim to reduce poverty and inequality among vulnerable groups such as children, older persons, people with disabilities, war veterans, and caregivers.

SASSA was established in 2005 to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the social security system, which was previously fragmented and decentralized³. SASSA is responsible for ensuring that eligible beneficiaries receive their grants on time, through various payment methods, such as bank accounts, mobile money, or cash pay points.

SASSA plays a vital role in providing social protection and relief to millions of South Africans who face hardship and deprivation due to unemployment, illness, disability, or old age. Social grants help to improve the living standards and well-being of the recipients and their dependents, as well as to stimulate the local economy and create jobs. SASSA is committed to delivering quality service and ensuring that every eligible citizen has access to their constitutional right to social assistance.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Check Your SASSA Status

Section 1: Understanding SASSA Status

SASSA status is the term used to describe the current state of a beneficiary’s application or payment for a social grant. Beneficiaries need to check their SASSA status regularly, as it can inform them of any changes, delays, or issues that may affect their grant.

SASSA offers various types of social grants to eligible citizens who meet the criteria for income, age, disability, or dependency. Some of the most common grants are the child support grant, the disability grant, and the old age pension. Each grant has its requirements, amounts, and duration, and beneficiaries need to comply with the conditions and obligations of their grant.

To check their SASSA status, beneficiaries can use different methods, such as online, SMS, USSD, or phone calls. By knowing their SASSA status, beneficiaries can ensure that they receive their grant on time and avoid any problems or interruptions in their payment.

Section 2: Online Methods to Check SASSA Status

One of the easiest and fastest ways to check your SASSA status is to use the online method. You can do this by following these simple steps:

– Step 1: Visit the official SASSA website and click on the “Services” tab.

– Step 2: Navigate to the “Check your status” or “Track my application” section, depending on the type of grant you applied for.

– Step 3: Enter the required information, such as your ID number or application reference number, and click on the “Submit” button.

– Step 4: Interpret the results and understand the different status messages. Some of the possible messages are:

  – Approved: Your application has been approved and you will receive your grant soon.

  – Pending: Your application is still being processed and you need to wait for the final decision.

  – Rejected: Your application has been rejected and you do not qualify for the grant.

  – Cancelled: Your application has been canceled and you need to reapply for the grant.

By using the online method, you can check your SASSA status anytime and anywhere, as long as you have internet access and a device. This can help you to plan your budget and manage your finances better.

Section 3: Using the SASSA Mobile App

Another convenient way to check your SASSA status is to use the SASSA mobile app. The SASSA mobile app is a free and secure application that allows you to access your SASSA information anytime and anywhere, using your smartphone or tablet. You can use the app to check your status, view your payment history, update your details, and more.

To use the SASSA mobile app, you need to follow these steps:

– Step 1: Download and install the app from the [Google Play Store] or the [Apple App Store], depending on your device.

– Step 2: Open the app and register with your ID number and mobile number. You will receive a one-time PIN to verify your account.

– Step 3: Log in with your ID number and password. You will see a dashboard with various options, such as “My Status”, “My Payments”, “My Profile”, etc.

– Step 4: Tap on the “My Status” option to view your current SASSA status and other relevant information.

Section 4: Contacting SASSA Helpline

If you prefer to get assistance over the phone, you can contact the SASSA helpline for any queries or issues related to your social grant. The SASSA helpline is a toll-free number that you can call from any landline or mobile phone. The number is 0800 60 10 11.

The SASSA helpline is available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can use the helpline to get information on:

– How to apply for a social grant

– The status of your application

– The eligibility criteria and requirements for different grants

– The payment methods and dates for your grant

– How to report fraud or corruption

– How to update your details or change your grant type

Before you call the SASSA helpline, make sure you have the necessary information ready, such as your ID number or application reference number. This will help the SASSA agents to assist you faster and more efficiently.

Section 5: Checking SASSA Status via SMS

One of the simplest and cheapest ways to check your SASSA status is to use the SMS method. This method allows you to send a short message to a specific number and receive a reply with your current SASSA status and other relevant information.

To use the SMS method, you need to follow these steps:

– Step 1: Compose a new SMS with the word “Status” followed by your ID number. For example, “Status 1234567890”.

– Step 2: Send the SMS to the number 082 046 8553. This is the official SASSA SMS line for checking your status. You will be charged a standard SMS rate for this service.

– Step 3: Wait for a reply from SASSA. You will receive a message with your SASSA status and other details, such as your grant type, amount, and payment date.

The SMS method is also available 24/7, so you can check your status anytime you want.


Checking your SASSA status is an important way to stay informed about the status of your application or grant. You can use various methods to check your status, such as online, SMS, mobile app, or helpline. By knowing your status, you can ensure that you receive your grant on time and avoid any problems.

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