How to start a business with no money is becoming an everyday worry for some entrepreneurs and individuals who have a business idea but don’t know how to fund it.

Business – Anything you do that brings money to you, Business.

Investment – Anything your money does that brings money to you, Investment 

Many people are looking for an opportunity to give back to their community as a philanthropic gesture, or how to share business.

In this article, I will list 4 things on How to Start a Business With No Money and still grow to attract investors to your business growth.

Here are Four Things On How To Start a Business Without Money

This has been a question from the majority of individuals ask this critical question of How To Start A Business With No Money and we have given a solution to it in this article.


Business is a platform to create value.

It takes your value to the market to get an equivalent…

Business takes the character of a shower 

Wealth Creation

Wealth accumulation: 

Wealth creation is a universal concept for humanity.

You can process yourself into business


Patience is a virtue. Be consistent in getting close to your mentor. Experiential knowledge is not by trial and error, It is gotten from mentorship 

Ability to learn ( you can learn yourself out of anything, or learn yourself into anything )

Anything you can’t define overwhelms you.

Anything you can define you can modify. 


Money has two legs 

  • Value created
  • And Value your money will create.

Money is not just cash but the value you have in return, this alone is how you can start a business without the actual cash.

There is more to fiat (money) and how to raise money to find your business, and sources you can get money to fund your business idea.

Your necessities are funded 

A poor man wants to be liked. 

A wealthy man wants to be respected. 

The essence of making money is to multiply it before you spend it.

Let’s not forget business is not that always smooth, sometimes there is a boom and most time the struggle is intense. 

Digital Footprint

Digital footprint is the bedrock of our visibility and influence in the business start ups.

Reasons you need to give your digital marketing strategy close attention, your activities help you to build a retention mechanism that customers put you first before making any BUY decision. 

Your social media becomes more interesting once you realize what to do with each channel

For us to move to a great height, we all must try our best to be relevant in our field and portfolios as given in this organization.

Every business owner must research to find out the top 5 persons in your chosen career for America and the World.

“Improvement is the largest room on earth and neither of us will be left behind”.

Secondly targeting, you need customers  more than anything now. You should focus on big players not the industry for branding, advanced digital marketing, and social media portfolio.

Understand people like doing business with their friends, it’s always good you meet people close to those big guys for introductions and then business.

Lastly, you can get this big fish customers on social media and always make notable comments on their post.

How do we make money?

How do we save money?

How do we improve the quality of our business?

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